Government Services Infrastructure - GSi |
======================================================================= GSi - Version 2.0 - Readme File ======================================================================= Government (Generic) Services Infrastructure (GSi) is a unified technology platform which empowers business processes to be modeled, deployed, executed and managed in an intuitive and efficient manner. It helps to model, deploy and manage the Government processes and services. GSi is based on open standards and is platform neutral. It helps to model, deploy and manage the Government processes and services. It is the bridge between Government functions and technology where users can design services in their own terminology namely, Social Welfare Department (SWD), Public Distribution System, Urban and Rural welfare, Rural Digital Services (RDS), Food and Civil supplies to name a few. GSi is available under GPL license and is free for use. (C) 2004-2008 Comat Technologies Pvt. Ltd. --------------------------- Building the CoreServices --------------------------- ======================================================================= Source Structure ======================================================================= Under this folder, the core services and tools are presents. The details are as follows: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Directory | Purpose -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Common This folder consists of the common code required for core services and the toolset | Core This folder consists of the code for different Core Services like Workflow engine, Rules Engine, Alert Engine, so on | GSiAppl This is the folder in which the individual serivces files are built and will be used for finally ear building | GSiLoadTestProgs This folder consists of the module used for load testing GSi using Apache JMeter | GSiServerJars The GSiServer related jar files are created here | JBOSS_META-INF The meta files required for JBoss AS bundling of the GSi ear files | JBossVersion The distribution ear files for JBoss AS will be placed here | lib The required libaries | licenses The license files of the OSS used by GSi | Resources The configuration files required for deploying of GSi, both GSi and Application Server configurtation files | ServiceJars The individual core services are compiled and placed in this directory | SQLScripts The SQL scripts for all the supported database are in this folder | Tools The toolset folder. All the tools are present in this folders as individual folder and each of them can be built seperately. | WAS_META-INF The meta files required for IBM Websphere AS bundling of the GSi ear files | WASVersion The distribution ear files and lib files for IBM Websphere AS will be placed here -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Files | Usage -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | The ANT build properties files. The build dependency files and binary names and paths can be modified in this file. | jboss_build.xml The ANT build file for building the JBoss AS specific GSi binaries | was_build.xml The ANT build file for building the IBM Websphere specific GSi binaries -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================================================================= Building from Source ======================================================================= -------------------------- Dependencies -------------------------- JDK 1.4.2.x Version + Set the environment variable JAVA_HOME to point to the installed JDK folder Download JDK @ ANT 1.6.0 Version + Set the environment variable ANT_HOME to point to the installed ANT folder Download ANT @ Axis 1.1 at C:\axis-1_1 or anywhere else, but modify the file Download Axis @ XDoclet 1.2.2 at C:\xdoclet-1.2.2 or anywhere else, but modify the file (Use the modified one on the website) Modified version - Available from GSi Site JBoss Application Server 4.0 at C:\jboss-4.0.0RC2 or anywhere else, but modify the file (J2EE Library Files Download JBoss AS @ Java Web Services Developer Pack (jwsdp-1.5) at C:\jwsdp-1.5 or anywhere else, but modify the Core/GSiServer/ file Download JWSDP @ -------------------------- Building -------------------------- For building the core GSi ear, from the CoreServices folder use the ANT build scripts: From command prompt, for building Application Server specific version use the following command ant -f [build-file-name] build ant -f [build-file-name] buildGSiEar example: ant -f jboss-build.xml build (for complete build of core services) ant -f jboss-build.xml buildGSiEar (for building of ear file only, assuming the core services are built) Running the build scripts will generate the files 2GSiAppl.ear and 3GSiServer.war in JBossVersion folder. For building GSi Administrator, from CoreServices/Tools/GSiAdministrator path: From command prompt, type "ant build". This will generate the 4GsiAdmin.ear file Other tools can also be built in similar fashion. -------------------------- Deploying -------------------------- 1. Stop the JBoss AS if it running. 2. Copy/replace the files 2GSiAppl.ear from from [JBossVersion] folder , 3GSiServer.war from ServiceJars Folder and 4GSiAdmin.ear dir to "JBOSS_INSTALLTED_DIR\server\default\deploy" dir. 3. Start JBoss Server to run the new version |