Government Services Infrastructure - GSi

Why GSi?
Understanding GSi
GSi Philosophy
Roles Involved
Technical Overview
Typical Implementation
Getting Started
System Requirements
Install Instructions
Developer Guide
Vertical API Guide
Toolset Guide
GovServices API Guides
Create Process
Monitor Process
Source Code
Understanding GSi - Typical Implementation

This section explains the implementation steps required to implement a vertical by illustrating a typical process based development. The steps are explained with a clear mapping of the roles involved, what tools they use and the respective effect on the process life cycle state.



Italic Text – Represents the Role performing the step

Bold Text - Represents the process life cycle stage or activity

Underline Text – Represents the tool used in the corresponding step


·         Business Analyst DEFINES the process using the GSi Modeler

·         Business Analyst passes on the above info to the Vertical Implementers

·         Vertical Implementers figure out whether new activity implementations are required or not

·         If required uses the GSi Vertical Generator to generate the template code and UI for activities and implements the same.

·         These new activities are deployed by GSi Administrator using the GSi Administrator Tool

·         Business Analyst MODELS the process

·         Uses the GSi Modeler to model the process using a combination of existing and new activities

·         Business Analyst sets the process for DEPLOYMENT

·         GSi Administrator DEPLOYS the process

·         Business Users EXECUTE process using the GSi Vertical API

·         Business Analyst / Business Users MANAGE the process ( Mgmt functions) using the GSi Monitoring Tool

o        Stop/Resume/Terminate

o        Resolve Exceptions

·         Business Analyst / Business Users can ANALYZE the process using the GSi Monitoring and Reporting Tool

·         This above step becomes the basis for OPTIMIZE


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