Government Services Infrastructure - GSi |
The normal development of a vertical / application (set of logical government services like Rural Digital Services (RDS), Social Welfare Department (SWD), so on) includes the generic set of activities. For each of the vertical, we need to handle/implement process/workflow management, handle rules, user task management, maintain an audit trail of key transactions, and specific areas like notification, scheduling, apart from the obvious vertical specific business logic development. The effort involved in development and testing of the above mentioned common set of stuff is repeated with the development of each vertical / application. GSi core generalizes process management, rules execution, user profile management, scheduler, audit trail, notification, and user task management. These set of services are provided as core services. The services are autonomic and loosely coupled in nature. GSi Gov Services provide Government specific services. These services generalize the common set of functions required by the departmental application. These services enable re-usability and faster development of the departmental application. The communication between these services is handled by GSi itself. The verticals will focus only on the modeling of the processes and on development of the activity (step in a process) specific logic. The verticals leverage the reliable, scalable and secure features of core services to model, execute and manage its processes. This results in significant reduction in development time of a vertical / application. This means government can enable department automation and/or render services to citizens faster and more efficiently. Apart from this GSi provides comprehensive tools for process modeling, management and monitoring. Process (Business) sensitive reports can be directly generated using GSi, which can aid in analysis and optimization of processes. Uses of GSi |