Government Services Infrastructure - GSi

Why GSi?
Understanding GSi
GSi Philosophy
Roles Involved
Technical Overview
Typical Implementation
Getting Started
System Requirements
Install Instructions
Developer Guide
Vertical API Guide
Toolset Guide
GovServices API Guides
Create Process
Monitor Process
Source Code
GSi Source Code - Core Build Instructions

GSi - Version 2.0 - Readme File

Government (Generic) Services Infrastructure (GSi) is a unified technology platform which empowers business processes to be modeled, deployed, executed and managed in an intuitive and efficient manner. It helps to model, deploy and manage the Government processes and services.

GSi is based on open standards and is platform neutral. It helps to model, deploy and manage the Government processes and services. It is the bridge between Government functions and technology where users can design services in their own terminology namely, Social Welfare Department (SWD), Public Distribution System, Urban and Rural welfare, Rural Digital Services (RDS), Food and Civil supplies to name a few.

GSi is available under GPL license and is free for use.

(C) 2004-2008 Comat Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Building Gov Services

Source Structure
| GovServices |

Under this folder, the Government specific services and tools are presents. The details are as follows:
|Directory			|		Purpose
| ClientAPI				This folder consists of the client API code for accessing the
						services. The client API are accessed thru HTTP. This folder
						consists of Client API for Access Service, Common Master Data Service and
						Generic Event Service.
						The "Common" module used across the client API can be built directy using
						ANT tool. From Command line : ant -f commonbuild.xml

| Common				This folder consists of the common code  required for
						gov services and client API code. This folder consists of common modules
						for Common master service, Identity/Access Management and Document Management
						modules for uploading/viewing scanned documents.

| CommonGovservicesLib	The required services libaries which will be used by various services
						projects for building purpose thru Netbeans IDE

| licenses				The license files of the OSS used by GSi

| Resources				The configuration files required for deploying of Gov Services. The
						GsiGovConfig directory needs to be copied to JBOSS/bin

| Resources\SQLScripts	The SQL scripts for all the supported database are in this folder

| ServiceJars			The individual core services are compiled and placed in this directory

| Services				The Gov Services modules folder. The modules needs to be compiled
						and packaged using Netbeans IDE 5.0.
						Following the various modules.

						AccessService - Identity Access Service used by the verticals/applications
						for authentication and authorization

						CommonMasterServices - This is common master data services module consisting
						of the Admin tool for managing master entities and service API for verticals/
						applications to access master entities.

						GenericEventService - This is Generic Event (Audit) Service used for auditing
						and logging. This service is based on Common Base Event (CBE).

						GsiGovServicesAPI - Server-side API for Common Master Service

						IdentityManagement - Identity Manager specific to government departments, can
						also be used for Citizen Service Center (CSC) or corporate user management

						LocalMessagingService - Point-to-Point custom messaging system for use by the
						verticals/applications send and receive messages without a need for mail server.
						This is a simple RDBMS based system and works similar to e-mail box.

						TransMeteringService - This is transaction metering service with modules for
						registering Servvices, serivce costing details and recording transactions.

| Tools					The tools folder. Contains the GSi Gov Service Configurator

| Utility				The folder consists of three Netbeans modules. These modules can be built
						using Netbeans IDE 5.0.

						GrievanceUpmImplementation - This module refers to the User Profile
						Management (UPM) implementation for GSi Core. This should be built
						and the jar file should be made available in app server lib folder.

						GrievanceManagement - This is a generic Grievance solution with both
						registration and processing web modules. This solution's automated
						activities are available in the below project.

						GrievanceAutomatedActivities - Automated activities code used by the
						GrievanceManagement set of processes for execution of automated activities.

Building from Source

JDK 1.4.2.x Version + Set the environment variable JAVA_HOME to point to the installed JDK folder
ANT 1.6.0
JBoss AS 4.0   at c:\ or anywhere else, but modify the file (J2EE Library Files)

Use Netbeans IDE for building and packaing the specific Gov Services.

Copy the built ear/war file in the module specfic dist folder and copy that to the JBoss deploy

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©2004-2009 Comat Technologies Pvt. Ltd.